Drones and Macadamia Farming
How to get started, the best use cases, current possibilities, and the future to come.

We have entered into a new farming era, where digital advancements are meeting Mother Nature head-on.
So I’ve decided to write about it (more).
Quite likely, this will be a protracted set of ramblings lasting at least a few blog posts.
Mostly about the effective and practical use of Drones (in the sky and over the land) and the fine (read: noble) art of Macadamia Farming.
Did you hear?
There’s a new book coming out!
Join the waiting list and get notified as soon as it gets published.
There’s also a free online course, that covers all of the content in the new book, with concise summaries of each chapter, covering all the main concepts.
The waiting list for the free course will open right after the book launches, so sign-up to the book launch waiting list to be notified. 1
Why now?
A quick look online, and you can find some wonderful stories, blog posts, marketing videos, and feel-good social media clips around AgTech and farming - and even within the context of actual Macadamia production! - but nothing tangible that guides and teaches in a natural way; in an easy format to consume for both production experts keen to bolster their knowledge base, or aspiring farm managers and graduate newbies hungry for job-specific high-impact insights.
However, newfound knowledge (as well as our misconceptions around ecosystems, plant health & soil health) and concerted efforts aimed at the regeneration of biodiversity, are colliding within a man-made multiverse of tech solutions. It can often be confusing and overwhelming.
My hope and aim for my new book is that it acts as a guide, and provides value and interest at each and every chapter, giving you clarity on how to get started, all the best use cases, current possibilities, and a little bit about the future to come.
Waiting list direct link: