Drone Data to Decadence: Revolutionising Vineyard Harvest Practices
InField Video feat. Ken Forrester Wines & Aerobotics
Witness firsthand the innovative methods Ken Forrester Wines has been using for years now (truly ahead of the curve) and how drone data is revolutionising the winemaking industry - and in this case, vineyard harvest practices.
In this short, captivating montage, discover how Ken’s team leverages cutting-edge Aerobotics technologies to streamline their vineyard management practices at harvest time. Join in on the journey through one of their famous Chenin blanc vineyards in a quick summary showcase of this process:
Drone flights capture high-resolution RGB, multispectral, and thermal datasets.
Flight surveys are timed penologically and tailored to required outcomes.
Aerobotics AI processes the data and publishes it to the Aerobotics platform and app for ease of use.
Ground staff use the drone data zonal views to mark out precise harvest zones.
👨🌾 Liaan Janse van Vuuren
(Head Agronomist and Global Grape Lead @AeroboticsZa)https://www.instagram.com/kenforrestervineyards
@kenforresterwines5800👌Best Chenin in the World
#agtech #dronetech #vineyards #kenforrester #cheninblanc